Home SEX Gifu Mayor Uses Power to Sexually Harass Female Staff

Gifu Mayor Uses Power to Sexually Harass Female Staff

Sexual harassment mayor

The results of an investigation into the sexual harassment of the mayor of Ikeda, Gifu Prefecture, were made disclosed. What was written in the report was the actual state of the malicious harassment that took place in the mayor’s office. Why has there been a spate of sexual harassment by mayors?

Sexual harassment by touching buttocks, breasts and forcing kisses

Kazuo Okazaki, 76, mayor of Ikeda, Gifu, was accused by a female employee of sexual harassment last July, to which he denied.

A third-party committee conducted a survey of all employees who worked for the town office between 2013 to 2023 and found that sexual harassment had occurred against 15 people, and submitted the report to the investigation committee on the morning of April 23.

At a press conference, the chairperson of the third-party committee explained the alleged sexual harassment, saying that there were instances of attempts to kiss, touching the buttocks, and touching the breast area. He went on to describe the age range of the victims of sexual harassment, saying that many of the victims were young employees who had just joined the town office.

According to the questionnaire, the mayor said to the staff, “You look nice”, “So cute”, “Have you gained weight?” as well as numerous acts of sexual harassment such as touching their shoulders and buttocks, and patting their head in his office.

Touching the pubic area of female staff in his office

The third-party committee noted “particularly serious damage”, which it said occurred in 2014. The mayor called a female employee to his office for four consecutive days and subjected her to numerous acts of sexual harassment.

On the first day, after a casual conversation, he said, “Good luck” and shook her hands. On the second day, he approached the woman and said, “You are thin. Are you eating well?” and touched her arm as if massaging it. On the third day, he touched and rubbed her thighs over her pants with both hands. She said she couldn’t say anything because she thought she couldn’t resist the mayor.

Then, on the forth day, the sexual harassment escalated further. He suddenly touched her pubic area over her trousers. He then said “What do you feel?” The woman, who felt fearful, consulted another female official. The mayor then apologized and asked her not to tell anyone else.

Mayor Okazaki denies all sexual harassment

The committee described the conduct towards the woman as a typical example of escalating sexual harassment. The chairperson stated that they have decided that it’s appropriate for the mayor to resign, as there was no sign of remorse or improvement on the part of Mayor Okazaki.

The mayor denied all accusations when investigated by the committee. However, when interviewed by press, he replied, “If they said I committed sexual harassment, fine, but I’ll look at the report”, and went to the room where the report was.

Female staff: It was like he was testing how far he could touch me.

The escalation was also perpetrated against other female employees. The victim was a female employee who had just been assigned to the General Affairs Section at the time. He said “Are you eating well?” and rubbed her hands for a couple of minutes, and told her that “I need to take away all your power.” The woman felt she was helpless because he was the mayor, so she jokingly told him, “that’s not nice.” However, Mayor Okazaki replied, “they’re very strict on sexual harassment these days.” and asked her “Can I touch your hands? Arms? Buttocks? Legs?” In order to maintain a good relationship with the mayor, she thought she would have to sacrifice something and replied, “the hands is fine.”

The woman said he then touched her hands repeatedly. Two month after the first conversation, she said he touched her buttocks from behind. He said “Shit, I don’t know how far is too far”. She felt as if he was checking to see how far he could touch her.

He has denied the investigation and that he has never touched her, other than to shake hands, but the committee found that this was an act of sexual harassment.

Staff fear retaliation

Why did the damage spread? The report indicates that the background to this is the career of the town mayor. He started out as an employee. He was then promoted from an employee to assistant director and elected mayor in 2003. He had been in the position longer than anyone else, with 21 years in office.

As a result, he was able to make personnel changes within the town hall at his sole discretion. There was a feeling that they were afraid of retaliation and couldn’t go against his word no matter what was done to them.

The consultation service was in the General Affaires Department, but according to the testimony, the department itself was recognized as an organization that follows the mayor’s intentions. No one was able to consult with and the consultation service didn’t work.

There have been a number of accusations of sexual harassment by “mayors” other than Okazaki. For example, “99 sexual harassment allegations” by former mayor Hideo Kojima of Ginan, Gifu, who resigned last month. In the town of Togo, Aichi, 108 people have complained of sexual harassment against Mayer Kenji Imata.




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