Wife of Don Juan Accuses Victim of Being a Sex Offender

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Prosecutors sought four years and six months in prison for the trial of an ex-wife accused of murdering a wealthy man known as the Don Juan of Kishu (Wakayama, Japan), who was accused of swindling another man out of cash.

Saki Sudo, 28, is accused of defrauding another man, then 61, of a total of approximately 29.8 million Yen in cash on three occasions from 2015, and denied the charges at her first trial.

Sudo was also arrested and charged in a murder case in Wakayama Prefecture in 2018. The deceased was the defendant’s ex-husband, Kosuke Nozaki (then 77), a wealthy man known as “Don Juan of Kishu”.

His cause of death was acute methamphetamine intoxication.

After denying the charges, Sudo has made no statement about her involvement in the case and there is still no prospect of a trial.

In a new trial Sudo admitted that she had lied in previous trials and claimed that the victim had also paid money knowing she told lies.

She then claimed that she was touched and kissed every time she received money, and stated that “if I were a fraudster, I would think the victim was a sex offender.”

At the trial on July 5th, the prosecution argued that the amount of damage was significant, and the psychological burden on the man who was betrayed by her was serious, and it was a sophisticated crime that deceived him with various lies, and sought four years and six months in prison.

The defense, on the other hand, argued that the defendant was given a large sum of money in exchange for sexual contact, that the defendant was only 19 years old at the time, and that it was society’s responsibility to protect rather than incriminate her.

When asked by the judge if she had anything final to say, Sudo said: “The victim clearly lied in part. I hope the judge will pass a verdict without overlooking that”, and the trial concluded. The verdict is scheduled to be handed down on September 2nd.



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