Kumiko Hirayama, 50, a self-employed woman and Yoshihiro Yanagida, 51, a retailer, are accused of cultivating and possessing cannabis in violation of the Cannabis...
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested Ryo Kobayashi, 28, from Sendai City, on suspicion of breaching the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Control Act for attempting...
On August 30, the Japan American Football Association announced that five members of Kansei Gakuin University team had committed serious breaches of discipline during...
A US national, the president of a TV personality management company, was caught red-handed with cocaine in Shibuya, Tokyo.
The suspect, Bryan Burton-Lewis, 52, a...
On August 20, the Osaka Prefectural Police and Osaka Customs Kansai Airport branch arrested Mohamad Taufiqillah Bin Mohamad Razi, 28, a Malaysian National, for...
Four people, including teenagers were arrested on suspicion of using and handling illegal drugs.
According to the police, a construction worker, 17, and an interior...
A 63-year-old former member of the band C-C-B was arrested by Welfare's Narcotics Control Department for possession of methamphetamine at his home in Tokyo...