Vietnamese Restaurant Owner, Fan Viet Phuc, Arrested in Sendai

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Vietnamese restaurant owner has been arrested in Sendai’s Aoba-ku for illegally hiring a worker, and sent to the Sendai District Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Fan Viet Phuc, a Vietnamese national and owner of the company, has been sent for questioning on suspicion of violating immigration control laws. Phuc is suspected of illegally employing a Vietnamese man, a former technical intern whose residence period had expired, at his restaurant in Aoba-ku, Sendai, from May 2021 to August 2023.

The restaurant operated irregularly, and entry was restricted to Vietnamese individuals. The police have not disclosed Phuc’s acknowledgment or denial, citing potential interference with the investigation. On the 20th, during a search of the restaurant’s premises, police seized dozens of relevant documents and are examining the detailed business situation.

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