Home NATIONAL Viet Tases 80yo Female Local, Takes 110,000 Yen

Viet Tases 80yo Female Local, Takes 110,000 Yen

Vietnamese steals from Japanese

A Vietnamese man has been arrested in Tokyo’s Itabashi Ward for posing as a delivery worker, breaking into an apartment, and using a stun gun to injure an elderly woman in her 80’s before robbing her of approximately 110,000 yen.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, the suspect, Ho Gock Huu, a Vietnamese national and company employee, is accused of forcibly entering an apartment in Itabashi Ward on the the 27th of last month.

The viet posed as a delivery worker, tased her with a stun gun and stole the cash, before running off.

When the woman opened the door, Huu allegedly pushed her silently, pressed the stun gun against her chest, and then searched the interior. Huu is believed to have targeted the female owner of the apartment, where he used to live several years ago. During the investigation, he admitted to the charges, stating, “I incurred losses in stocks and wanted to recoup them.”

Related: Vietnamese Restaurant Owner, Fan Viet Phuc, Arrested in Sendai



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