Japanese National Arrested in Manilla for Money Laundering

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A Japanese man wanted by the Osaka police on suspicion of laundering was arrested in the Philippines.

According to the authorities in the Philippines, the arrested suspect Hiroyuki Kawasaki, 37, is suspected of having conspired with his associates to set up several shell companies and transfer approximately 5.6 million yen, including 2.1 million yen in criminal proceeds, to different accounts.

Kawasaki had fled to the Philippines after the crime, but was detained by the Philippine authorities at the airport in Manila on August 14 when he attempted to board to a flight to Singapore.

He is believed to have played a key figure in the storage agency Liverton Group, which has around 500 bogus companies under its umbrella and has repeatedly laundered money by managing more than 4,000 corporate accounts.

The suspect will soon be deported to Japan, and the police intend to proceed with a full-scale investigation.



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