Eight individuals, including 27-year-old Nakamura Kazuki, who is homeless and unemployed, and 27-year-old Sakai Ryota, a company employee from Tokushima City, have been arrested...
An 81-year-old woman from Jonanmachi Shimomiyaji, Minami-ku, Kumamoto City, was arrested on the spot for driving a passenger car under the influence of alcohol...
In a dangerous turn of fate, two reckless motorcycle enthusiasts from the infamous "Rolling Zoku" group were arrested in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture. The...
In December 2022, a shocking case of attempted robbery and murder occurred in Hiroshima, Japan. Recently, on October 3rd, three individuals - Makoto Imamura,...
On the 12th of the month, the Osaka Prefectural Police's Minami Police Station re-arrested a 24-year-old male of American nationality on suspicion of disrupting...
A Malaysian man has been arrested and charged for attempting to smuggle approximately 10 kilograms of methamphetamine in two suitcases.
The individual, identified as Dera...