A 27-year-old man was arrested in Shinjuku's Kabukicho district for allegedly coercing a 28-year-old woman into engaging in prostitution, commonly known as "tachinbo," and...
"During the weekend leading up to Halloween in Tokyo's Shibuya ward, there was an unprecedented level of security to prevent major disruptions. However, as...
Right now, the issue of "cannabis contamination" continues to grow among young people. Reportedly, 70% of those arrested are under 30 years old. Incidents...
On October 24, Japan Restoration Association (JRA) policy chief Hayao Otokita updated his blog and apologized, saying that the posting of the photo with...
The husband who was arrested and sent for prosecution for leaving his wife's body unattended in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, has been revealed to have...
In April this year, professional wrestlers were arrested for indecent assaulting a woman in her 20s in Sendai City.
Suspects were professional wrestler Yasutaka Yano,...