In connection to a robbery-murder incident in Komae, Tokyo, four top executives of a Filipino scam group were apprehended. The suspects are believed to...
Four individuals, including the leader of a group suspected of engaging in illegal solicitation and fraudulent business practices in the bustling district of Kamata,...
Vietnamese restaurant owner has been arrested in Sendai's Aoba-ku for illegally hiring a worker, and sent to the Sendai District Public Prosecutor's Office.
Fan Viet...
In response to an inquiry conducted by HuffPost Japan, 329 individuals, including foreign residents and those with roots abroad, shared experiences where they felt...
The president of "Japan Chicken Food Service," Kenjiro Moriyama (55), and two other executives have been arrested on suspicion of illegally employing a Sri...
A man claiming to be of Guatemalan nationality, identified as Ezekiel Mogojon Lopez Benjhamin, has been arrested for breaking into a residence in Kokubunji,...
In an incident on the streets of Taito Ward, Tokyo, three members affiliated with the designated Yakuza group Inagawa-kai have been arrested for attempting...
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police's Public Security Division arrested four individuals, including the suspect Shingo Iijima (42) from Adachi Ward, Nishi Arai, on suspicion of...