In January of 2023, an Israeli man in his 50's died attempting to smuggle approximately 1 kilogram of drugs, including methamphetamine, by ingesting them...
A 35-year-old man, identified as Mr. Seki, a self-proclaimed English teacher from Ichikawa City, has been arrested on suspicion of engaging in non-consensual sexual...
On the evening of the 16th, a 55-year-old American passenger, Michael Travis Halyard, on an All Nippon Airways (ANA) flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport...
A Chinese man was arrested in Tokyo's Ota ward for a hit-and-run incident involving a bicycle while his license was revoked.
The suspect, Shen Fengxiang...
On the morning of the 19th, in the town of Goka, Ibaraki Prefecture, an unidentified foreign individual broke into a residence, assaulting a 68-year-old...