In response to the rise in women engaging in prostitution on the street of Kabukicho, the Tokyo Police Department's Security Division conducted simultaneous raids...
Ken Nishimura, 28, a Karate participant at the Tokyo Olympics, was charged with quasi-forcible sexual intercourse.
According to the indictment, Nishimura is accused of sexually...
On April 8, the police found out that a Turkish national and self-proclaimed demolition worker (20), who was arrested by Saitama Prefectural Police for...
With the rapid spread of generative AI or artificial intelligence, it has been found that lawyers for perpetrators of sexual offenses have used generative...
On April 4, the Security Division of Tokyo Police Department arrested four men, including Ryosuke Imamura, 37, manager of the sex industry recruitment website...
Los Angeles Dodgers fired Ippei Mizuhara, interpreter for Otani Shohei. Otani's lawyers announced that the two-way star was the victim of grand larceny and...
A 33-year-old man from Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture was arrested for spreading obscene messages and images on social media in the name of Daiya...