Man Spits and Urinates in Plastic Bottles for Colleagues to Drink

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On June 18, a 21-year-old university student from Nara City was re-arrested for mixing his own saliva and urine 15 times into colleagues’ plastic bottles and other items in the waiting room of a cram school where he worked part-time. He had recorded video footage of him mixing the concoction and filming colleagues unknowingly drinking his spit and urine.

He was re-arrested on suspicion of assault and destruction of property.

According to the police, the man is suspected of taking plastic bottles and medical throat spray from the waiting room of his part-time cram school in Nara a total of 15 times over a four-month period from December 2023, mixing them with his own saliva and urine in the toilet to make them undrinkable, and then having several female colleagues consume them without knowing what was happening.

A female colleague became suspicious when she saw signs of her bag being rifled through in the waiting room and installed a small camera, but when the footage was deleted, she consulted the police. When the data was restored, the man was found on the camera, and the police arrested the man on April of this year on suspicion of destruction of property for deleting the data.

When his smartphone was subsequently analyzed, videos were found of him mixing his own urine and saliva into plastic bottles and other containers, as well as hidden videos of him returning the bottles to their original places in the waiting room, and his female colleagues who were unaware of this, consuming them.

He has admitted to the police about the charges.

So far, none of his female colleagues have complained of health problems, but the police are investigating the motive and circumstances, as well as thoroughly investigating for any additional crimes.



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