Man Rents High-End Convertible, Crashes and Leaves Bill Unpaid

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Around 3:00 PM on September 17th, a man in black clothing appeared at a rental car store in Suwa City, Nagano, in northern Ibaraki. The vehicle the 20-year-old man rented was a flashy yellow convertible worth about 5 million yen.

The rental period was approaching its 8:00 PM return time when the man suddenly called the store, saying, “My mother has collapsed, and I need to get to her quickly, so I want to extend the rental of the car.”

The store approved an extension of the three-day rental.

However, he later caused a severe accident, collided with a truck, and left without paying the ¥110,000 bill. The car was tracked using its GPS, revealing the man’s journey from Nagano to Osaka, Shiga, and finally Oita. The rental car store remains unpaid, and the police are investigating the case as potential embezzlement.

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