Japanese Suspect in Fraud Group Repatriated from Thailand

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A Japanese man believed to be a member of a specialized fraud group, recently exposed in Thailand, has been arrested and forcibly repatriated. On the early morning of today (Japanese time), Ogawa Daisuke (49), suspected to be part of the fraud group, was apprehended by Gifu Prefectural Police while being transported on a plane from Thailand.

Last month, Thai authorities cracked down on a fraud group located on the outskirts of Bangkok, detaining two Japanese individuals, including Ogawa, and two men from Taiwan. Documents, believed to be manuals, smartphones, and notes containing information on the financial status of elderly individuals, were seized from the group’s base.

Ogawa is suspected to have played the role of a “caller” making phone calls to Japan. The police are now investigating the details of his involvement to uncover the full extent of the group’s activities.



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