Home INTERNATIONAL Japanese Politician Places Mic Next to Crotch of Australian Mayor’s Daughter

Japanese Politician Places Mic Next to Crotch of Australian Mayor’s Daughter


The vice-chairman of Minaokamo City Council in Gifu prefecture put in his letter of resignation after acting inappropriately towards the daughter of a mayor in Australia.

On April 3, at an after-party for the mayor from a sister city, Dubbo, Australia, the vice-chairman of the Minokamo City Council, Norio Nagata, 71, inappropriately placed a karaoke microphone close to the crotch of the daughter of the mayor. The mayor of Minokamo apologized to the mayor of Dubbo.

In response to the issue, Nagata submitted a letter of resignation from his position as vice-chairman to the Secretary General of the Assembly on the morning of May 10.

Nagata said: “I’m truly sorry to the citizens of Minokamo. I want to make a pledge in front of everyone. I won’t drink anymore.”

He will resign as vice-chairman as of May 10, but will continue as a member of parliament.




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