Do NOT Bring Meat Products into Japan

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), which provides information on food through its X account posted on September 4, the following alert about meat products from abroad.

Important request from #theAnimalQuarantineService
To prevent infectious diseases from livestock,

  • Do NOT bring meat products such as meat-filled mooncakes into Japan
  • Do NOT order meat products from abroad via the internet
  • Do NOT send them to Japan by international mail

In order to prevent livestock-borne diseases from overseas, it’s prohibited to bring meat products from abroad into Japan without a certificate of inspection.

Raw meat, for example, as well as cooked sausages, ham, meat-filled mooncakes and buns are subject to animal quarantine.

Even when using online shopping or international mail, meat products without an inspection certificate cannot be sent to Japan.

In addition to meat products, there are many other foods that are prohibited from being brought into Japan. Make sure to check before sending them into the country.

Many countries are experiencing outbreaks of livestock diseases such as African swine fever and foot-and mouth disease. In an age when it’s easy to buy foodstuffs from overseas via the internet, it’s important to check carefully which foodstuffs cannot be brought into Japan.



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