Chinese National Arrested over Fake Delivery Man Robbery

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Two Chinese men, identified as Ito Shinpei and So Kyoku, have been arrested for allegedly posing as delivery personnel and breaking into a company office in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture on the 7th of this month. They are suspected of forcibly entering and binding a 30-year-old female business owner. They allegedly stuffed a towel in her mouth and bound her hands and feet with something resembling cable ties, causing injuries. The suspects are accused of stealing cash amounting to 650,000 yen, as well as 127 items including high-end bags.

According to the police, the suspects initially spoke in Japanese, saying, “Delivery,” through the intercom. However, once the female victim responded at the entrance, they switched to Chinese and reportedly threatened her with phrases like “I’ll kill you if you make a noise” before carrying out the robbery.

While the police have not disclosed whether the suspects have admitted to the allegations, they believe that three individuals were involved in the crime and are currently investigating the whereabouts of the remaining suspect.



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