Chinese National Arrested at Kansai Airport for Robbery and Murder

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Chinese National Koh Gyo Ha, 27, is suspected of having posed as a customer at a brand retailer in Chuo Ward, Osaka, on the afternoon of August 7, and of taking a wristwatch with a price tag of 62.8 million yen, and then attempted to kill a male staff member by stabbing him in the abdomen.

According to police, the victim is Tatsuya Hironaka, 30, who was stabbed when he stood in the way of the suspect as he tried to flee the shop, and was taken to hospital, where he was later confirmed dead. The cause of death is believed to be hemorrhagic shock.

The suspect, Ko, was later arrested at Kansai Airport and admitted to the charges . The police plan to switch the charge to robbery-murder and investigate.



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