“Change Thief” Steals 500 Yen from an Offering Shrine

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In a recent incident at Yamazaki Sugawara Shrine in Kumamoto City, a man in his thirties was arrested for stealing roughly 500 yen from the shrine’s donation box. The suspect was caught in the act, using a cleverly concealed driver-like tool to access the box after contributing some coins from his wallet and even shining a flashlight from his smartphone.

The impact of such theft on the shrine is evident, with the offering box bearing visible signs of tampering. Tanabe Masahiro, the head priest of Yamazaki Sugawara Shrine, expressed his deep concern, questioning the morality of pilfering the heartfelt offerings made by visitors.

Initially detained for the September 15th theft, the suspect’s story took a surprising turn. Subsequent investigations unveiled that he had already committed a similar offense in August at the same shrine, prompting a second arrest on September 16th. This repeat incident left authorities puzzled, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures to protect places of worship from petty theft.

The ongoing incidents highlight the importance of safeguarding sacred spaces like shrines and temples, ensuring that they remain sanctuaries for reflection and devotion rather than becoming targets for illicit activities.


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