Shoplifting incidents involving foreign groups continue to occur frequently in Japan. A common pattern involves ringleaders guiding operatives to target specific stores that are...
On June 10, the Tokyo Police Department arrested Masahide Namba, 61, a barber from Mitaka, Tokyo, on suspicion of robbery and non-consensual sexual intercourse....
The Empress Masako has been involved in a variety of activities, caring for children in difficult circumstances, including those who are at a economical...
The Shinjuku Police Station and Security Division of Tokyo Police Department announced the arrest of a woman, 28, with no fixed address and unemployed,...
In response to the rise in women engaging in prostitution on the street of Kabukicho, the Tokyo Police Department's Security Division conducted simultaneous raids...
Ken Nishimura, 28, a Karate participant at the Tokyo Olympics, was charged with quasi-forcible sexual intercourse.
According to the indictment, Nishimura is accused of sexually...