Nigerian nationals, arrested by a joint investigation team from Hyogo and Toyama Prefectural Police for their involvement in an "international romance scam" that targeted...
Nguyen Cong An, a 42-year-old Vietnamese national living in Oizumi Town, Gunma Prefecture, is suspected of forging over 50 My Number and residence cards...
The Shizuoka District Public Prosecutors Office's Hamamatsu Branch filed a indictment against a Vietnamese man for selling counterfeit shoelaces of popular brands, among other...
Five suspects, including company director Yuki Fujiwara, 43, and dentist Asahi Oishi, 61, are suspected of using the health insurance card of 64 international...
Kenji Haga, a TV personality, was arrested by police for allegedly attempting to avoid foreclosure on his property by falsely registering the transfer of...