Black Man Robs Elderly Man, Then Sexually Assaults Girl 3 Days Later

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A black man with American nationality has been arrested in Osaka’s Nishinari Ward on suspicion of assaulting a 64-year-old man, jumping him and stealing cash. The suspect, Dominik Cantrell Cain (24), was arrested on charges of robbery resulting in injury.

Cain is suspected of knocking down a man (64) who was riding a bicycle on a street in Nishinari Ward in March this year, straddling him, punching him in the face, injuring him, and stealing approximately 20,000 yen in cash.

According to the police, the man had his bag, which was in his bicycle basket, almost stolen by Cain. The man initially fled but was caught up with and pulled down along with his bicycle.

During questioning, Cain denied the allegations, saying, “I didn’t do it.”

Three days after this incident, Cain was arrested in Nishinari Ward for sexually harassing a woman from behind, and he has been indicted for violating the nuisance prevention ordinance.



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