Former Takarazuka Revue actress and current executive at an events company, Yumi Okabe (67), and her accomplice, a Korean national, have been arrested on...
Japanese national and self-proclaimed Yakuza leader, Takashi Ebisawa (60), has garnered global attention for accusations of attempting to sell nuclear material. U.S. authorities revealed...
Two Chinese Nationals were arrested for guiding people to unrelated establishments while pretending to work for a Chicken restaurant chain, Torikizoku.
The two men,...
In January of 2023, an Israeli man in his 50's died attempting to smuggle approximately 1 kilogram of drugs, including methamphetamine, by ingesting them...
A 35-year-old man, identified as Mr. Seki, a self-proclaimed English teacher from Ichikawa City, has been arrested on suspicion of engaging in non-consensual sexual...
On the evening of the 16th, a 55-year-old American passenger, Michael Travis Halyard, on an All Nippon Airways (ANA) flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport...
A Chinese man was arrested in Tokyo's Ota ward for a hit-and-run incident involving a bicycle while his license was revoked.
The suspect, Shen Fengxiang...